About Peter Meister

Peter Meister


Peter is passionate about his home state of New Jersey. His business background, starting in marketing, then building to operations and finally finance drives his quest to position New Jersey as The State of Discovery.

Attracting and retaining top talent to the state, by providing access to the benefits of the region, while creating work environments that allow innovators to work without distraction, are the key elements of his strategies.

Peter is a specialist in building brands and operations strategies around emerging technologies. From 1997 to 2003, Peter was a new media specialist and a brand communications strategist for well-known, global telecom and biotechnology companies.

After a family tragedy in 2003, Peter took a strong interest in finding ways to help make a meaningful impact on the world by changing the context and narrative of the news industry, which since 9/11, had become a harbinger of doom and gloom, something Peter felt was negatively affecting the psyche of the country. Peter served as VP and EVP of two emerging media companies. The first was in the business of distributing positive media stories, something Peter felt was sorely missing from the journalism sphere. The second was focused on the transformation of traditional broadcast media to new, on-demand platforms that were giving those who traditionally had limited access to broadcast networks, a chance to have a voice. From 2010 to 2012,  Peter enthusiastically set about raising funds with founders Richard and Robert for the construction of the 37,000 square foot Ironbound Film and Television Studios in Newark, New Jersey. The purpose was to help bring new opportunities in media production to Newark community. The Studios have since grown, hosting the production of popular shows for major television networks while providing space for local film-makers to promote their stories and talent.  In 2020, Peter remains a managing member and partner with his colleagues, quite possibly 'the best team ever', but also established and manages Emfora, LLC, to focus on developing innovations in neurosciences and rehabilitation. 

Peter has served on or led panels on media brand strategy and technology at industry events for Digital Hollywood, iBreakfast, CES and National Association of Broadcasters. 

Peter holds an MBA in Marketing from George Washington University and a BA in Humanities from Georgetown University. He lives in New Jersey with his wife and two children.